Hey there fellow hustlers and wannabe hustlers!
Welcome to Lucky Mojito.
My name is Monica and I am a money making, hustling mama of two.

I love talking about money and everything to do with money.
A little over 2 years ago my family’s financial situation was completely different than it is today.
It felt like I had just paid off the thousands of dollars I owed in student loans, yet here we were in debt again.
Our daughter was only 1 years old at the time and we had our son on the way. It was an extremely stressful time for us.
We were bombarded with unexpected expenses as new parents, increased transportation costs from moving into a new house further from work, and living just barely paycheck to paycheck despite my husband and I both working full-time.
We had to come up with over $10,000 to remove the underground oil tank found in our old home before we could sell it.
The failing Homeowner’s Association of our condo wanted $6,800 in reassessment fees.
We accumulated over $11,000 in credit card debt.
This past February we paid off all of our credit card debt and car loans which totaled OVER $33,000!
How, you ask.
We made sacrifices. We fought. Maybe cried, just a little.
I crunched numbers over and over and over to the point where I think my husband wanted to strangle me.
We cut our cable, sold what we didn’t need, reduced our spending, and side hustled our way out of debt. It wasn’t without struggles, but we learned a lot about money and how to best manage it along the way.
We now own a house, a condo, 3 cars, have 2 dogs, 2 kids, 7 chickens, and have a savings account started for our kids.
This year we are going on an Alaskan cruise and next year on a cruise to Mexico without any debt other than our mortgage.
It’s crazy how fast life can change when you work at it.

We only buy what we can afford or pay our credit card balance in full every single month.
Our next goal is to buy some real estate, get serious about investing, and possibly retire early.
Are you drowning in debt? Want to start saving money, but don’t know where to start?
If you’re serious about starting your road to financial freedom and kicking debt in its ugly behind you’re in the right place.
Sign up to my newsletter to get money making and saving tips, free stuff, and anything else I think may strike your fancy sent straight to your inbox.
If money isn’t your thing (are you rich? can I interview you?) I also post about:
I have a huge sweet tooth and make a mean banana pudding. Making your own food means you can control your eating, watch your weight, and save a ton of money in the kitchen.

Tips and tricks to make parenting just a little easier because it’s hard enough on its own.
Learn how to make things instead of buying them because it means you can save money.

Different topics that all have a frugal mindset.
Take a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit.
Cheers to a better you!